The ultimate in elegance is inspired by the delicate and beautiful Grandiflora roses. This inspiration is transformed into 99.9% pure gold jewelry (24K), distinguished by its exquisite and unique patterns, exclusive to Prima. These works of art exude luxury and possess a flowing dimension that perfectly reflects the beauty of nature.
Material : 24K Gold
Average Weight *: 38.05 Grams
Product Code : 111L4265
*Prima Gold crafts handmade jewelry, resulting in a unique weight for each piece. The displayed weight represents an average weight only.
Prima Gold’s creation is to bring out the essence of absolute pure gold as well as the artisan’s delicate and superb design, to the most distinctive jewelry pieces embodied by simple elegance and timeless value.
Prima Gold jewelry is provided with a certificate of warranty to be presented to Prima Gold jewelry consultants upon service usage.
The warranty is not subject to damage caused by accidents, improper or abusive use of jewelry as well as any repairs or modifications not taken under Prima Gold service.